We all know how difficult it is for new mums to find time for themselves. But it’s often taking time for the little things that can make the biggest difference. So, forget cleaning or washing, this is all about you…
Here are four mini break ideas we like:
1. Personal Care Time
Plan ahead and make a list (preferably the night before) of one or two things you’d like to do for yourself. Feel the endorphins kick in completing just one of these…
- Giving yourself a hair treatment
- Soak in a bubble bath
- Do your nails
2. Exercise Time
Invest in your living room fitness and do a little yoga in front of the TV. Your baby will enjoy watching and love the music.
3. Hobby or Craft Time
Creativity. We’ve all got it. So, this time of your life is a great opportunity to set aside a dedicated space in the day when bubs is asleep or enjoying floor play to indulge in a long lost passion or discover a new one ( that is if you’re not fast asleep on the sofa).
4. Get out!
Walking makes you feel good. So, pop bub in the pram and get out of the house at least once a day for no other reason than to enjoy some sunshine, talk to an adult or grab the coffee at the cafe.
Now is one of the most precious moments in your life. Finding the time to treat yourself can be tricky, but it makes for a happier, healthier and more engaged you. Enjoy every minute of it.